Do Well by Doing Good

Message from Chairman
Pioneering Impact Investing in Taiwan: The Journey of the Taiwan Impact Investment Association (TIIA)

The TIIA, through its bi-monthly forums and annual international conferences, has introduced international impact investing concepts, shared international standards and best practices, and showcased global case studies in Taiwan. By benchmarking these against domestic developments, the TIIA has provided valuable insights for future growth.
The second term of the TIIA's board and supervisors will continue to uphold the association's mission, building upon the successful model and activities of the previous term. They will strive to promote impact investing principles, introduce international best practices, and align with the core principles of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a greater focus on thematic exploration.
Impact investing is gaining momentum globally and has become a mainstream trend. It will not only generate financial returns, but also address pressing social and environmental challenges, contributing to a better future for humanity. The association hopes that more individuals and organizations will focus on and engage in impact investing, working together to create a more sustainable and equitable world.​


Charles Chang

Chairman, TIIA


It all started in February 2018, when

The idea first struck us to explore the potential of launching an Impact Investment initiative in Taiwan, while some of us were attending a workshop in Seoul, Korea. Details follow.

By invitation, three Taiwan representatives attended the Asian Impact Investment Workshop in Seoul, Korea. These were:  Professor FENG Yen (former Minister without Portfolio and National Taiwan University Professor), LIEN Ting-Kai (former B Lab Taiwan Chairman), and CHEN Yi-Chiang (B Current Impact Investment Managing Director & Co-Founder). They reached the conclusion to file for membership of the NAB (National Advisory Board) of the UK-initiated GSG (the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment).

Informal tiia pre-meeting #1 of the tiia-ecosystem in the making.

Informal tiia pre-meeting #2 for warm-up exercises for preparations to qualify for a GSG Taiwan NAB application.


Informal tiia pre-meeting #3.


Taiwan’s first-ever Impact Investment-specific publication with the title ‘Do Well by Doing Good’authored by Fulbright Scholar WU Dao-Kuei came off the press.


The Preparatory Office for the Taiwan Impact Investment Society (tiis) was called into being jointly by WU Dao-Kuei, CHEN Yi-Chiang, Professor CHOU Xing-Yi (former NCCU President and Professor of Financial Management), CHEN Fu-Wei (former CEO, National Federation of CPA Associations of ROC), and David CHANG Ta-Wei (former Managing Director of CCIS-cum-CRIF).


The tiis inherited the pre-tiia ecosystem and invited its 70-plus associates to formally launch the tiis officially.


Taiwan’s Interior Ministry responded in writing that the tiis-case was formally acknowledged with the permission to proceed.


A tiis-preparatory meeting was convened to evaluate name change from that of a ‘society’ to ‘association’.


tiia convened its Initiators Conference & 1st General Assembly of Members with a consequent joint meeting by the board of directors and supervisors.


tiia Forum Series #1 – International Case Studies of Impact Investment & The Government’s Role and Functions.

(Panelist: YEN Xin-Xi, President, MIH Capital Management)


tiia curated the 2021 APSIS* Roundtable on High-level Policy under the auspices of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan. 

(*Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Summit)

tiia Forum Series #2 – On Affordable Housing & Possible Diversification in Line with the UN-SDGs

(Panelists: HUA Jing-Chun (Deputy Interior Minister), YOU Zhao-Wen (Chairman, First Financial Holdings), HO Rih-Sheng (Deputy CEO, Tzu Chi Foundation ), PAN Xin-Rong ‘Lifetime Co-Habitat’(Chairman, Jiou Loh Enterprise)).


The 2nd joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.


tiia-Forum Series #3 – Future Prospects of the 7 SDG-designated Investment Strategies: A Taiwan Perspective.

(Panelists: CHIH Xiang-Lin (Dean, Business School, National Taipei City University),  Mme. CHENG Shu-Fen (Chief Investment Officer, Cathay Financial Holdings), Joseph HSIEH Wen-Yuan (Chairman, DoublePortion Capital)).


The third joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.

tiia-Forum Series #4 – Professor Chun Chen: More than ESG. Do No Evil. Do Good. Do well.


tiia-Forum Series #5 – Asset Management 3.0: Implementing Impact Investing – A Case Study of the United Kingdom.


Taiwan Impact Investing Forum (TIIF) 2021: Mobilizing Private Capital to Achieve SDGs.


2nd General Assembly of Members.


tiia-Forum Series #6 – Professor Ed Chou: Emerging Trends and the Role of Impact Investing in the U.S.-China Nexus.


The fifth joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.

TIIA Media Workers Forum – Joe Hsueh Ph.D: Learn about carbon reduction and identify greenwashing.

Taiwan-Japan Impact Investment Exchange Online Forum.

tiia-Forum Series #7 – Dr. Lai-Juh, Chen: Green Choices for Achieving Carbon Neutrality.


tiia-Forum Series #8 – Mark Lin: Wall Street Financial Institution CEO Discusses the Global Trend of Impact Investing.

3rd General Assembly of Members.

2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – Fu Jen Catholic University.


2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Chengchi University (Virtual Forum).

2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Tsing Hua University (Virtual Forum).

tiia-Forum Series #9 – Vincent Wang and Mindi Wang: Solar Energy and Impact Investing.

Officially joined AVPN(Asian Venture Philanthropy Network), the largest Impact Investing network platform in the Asia-Pacific region.


TIIA Southern Members’ Meetup.

The Sixth joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.


Members’ Meetup: Unignorable Trends and Blind Spots: The Intent and Practice of Impact Investing.


2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – Feng Chia University.


The Seventh joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.

tiia-Forum Series #10 – Mei-Ling Chen and Simon Huang with Brad Huang: Regional Revitalization and Impact Investing.


Special Board of Directors and Supervisors Meeting.

“Impact Investing: Do well by doing good.”Recipient of the 2022 Gold Book Award from the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration.

2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact investing Campus Forum Series – National Sun Yat-sen University.


Taiwan Impact Investing Forum (TIIF) 2022: From ESG to Impact Investing Mobilizing Capital Towards a Sustainable Future.

2022 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series -Tzu Chi University.


The eighth joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened, presenting the 2022 Reporting Research Findings: Impact Investing and Monetized Impact Assessment.


The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank x tiia – Forum Series #11:  Net Zero Carbon x Green Energy Innovation x Impact Investing.

Formally signing an alliance partnership with the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).

4th General Assembly of Members.


The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank x tiia – Forum Series #12: Carbon emission trading x Net Zero Finance x Impact Investing.

2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Taipei University.

2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Dong Hwa University.


The Taiwan Impact Investing Association (TIIA), the Fintech Research Center at National Chengchi University (FTRC), and the CFA Society Taiwan jointly established the Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing Academy.


Hosting the Impact Investing Academy: Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) — Junior Certificate Course at the Social Innovation Lab.

The ninth joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.


The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank x tiia – Forum Series #13: Private Equity and Venture Capital x Impact Investing.


2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Cheng Kung University.

Hosting the Generation 2(新師董) in collaboration with the Taiwan Impact Investment Association: Seminar on ‘From ESG to Impact Investing’.

2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series – National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

The 10th joint meeting by board directors and supervisors convened.

Taiwan Impact Investing Forum (TIIF) 2023: Mastering Impact Opportunities and Conquering the 2nd Half of SDGs.

Taiwan Impact Investing Forum (TIIF) 2023 Workshop: Moving from Outputs to Outcomes for Effective Cross-Sector Collaboration—Pay for Success and Blended Finance Models in Asia.


2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series: National Taiwan University, presenting the 2023 Reporting Research Findings: IMPACT ALPHA Preliminary Research Report.

2023 Cathay Financial Holdings’ Impact Investing Campus Forum Series -National Chung Hsing University.

The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank and tiia Forum Series #14: Corporate Equality and Inclusive Culture, Impact Investing – International and Taiwanese Perspectives and Practices.


Co-organizing the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank 2023 Sustainable Finance Forum: ‘Strategic Deployment for Enterprises to sustain — Exploring Business Opportunities through ESG’.

tiia Strategies

Impact Investment operates on the twin bottom line of both ‘impact’ and ‘return’ to redefine capitalism. It optimizes private capital to help solve public issues, and as such, it is quickly becoming a trending, global mainstream. At tiia we endeavor to institutionalize an impact investment ecosystem to agitate and promote like-mindedness and help facilitate the materialization of SDGs in Taiwan. Our strategic priorities are as follows.

Stay in sync with SGS NABs and other worthy international bodies to promote impact investment and influence policy-making.
Work in tandem with relevant counterparts in all sectors public and private to heighten the visibility of impact investment, and strengthen the credibility of its tools by actual practice.
Curate knowledge of trade contents and create a social platform for the dissemination of research findings and case studies.

Four Task Forces


International Liaison & Public Policy

The International Liaison and Public Policy Task Force is expected to stay on top of the international development of impact investment and the policy-making of regulators abroad and at home. The task force is to interact with relevant international bodies for the exchange of information and business opportunities, and to influence impact investment-relevant policies by winning government RFPs, submitting actionable recommendations, etc. to positively impact public decisions.


Promotion & Publicity

The Promotion and Publicity Task Force focuses on reinforcing impact investment’s mass appeal for ever-increasing public buy-in by organizing events publicized by the media for sharing target information.


Education, Training and R&D

This task force aims at research and development of impact investment-centric literature, trends, practice, tools, and products; design and compilation of teaching manuals for study modules that facilitate cooperation with universities and worthy counterparts; and holding events on university campuses to increase awareness among college students for grassroots campaigns.


Membership Growth

This task force is entrusted with the responsibility to grow membership via social media and other appropriate means to increase members and incentivize involvement and participation.

The Way Ahead

To concretely substantiate a positive future for Impact Investment in Taiwan, tiia sees as its calling to align resources for a sound ecosystem and corresponding action plans by consolidating support from relevant bodies and organizations domestic and foreign for the optimization of R&D, education, and social groups. Details follow.

International Forum

Forum Series

The annual international forum is our gala event of the year. It is the tiia platform for consensus-building with key audiences across-the-board among other functions such as information exchange, performance check, membership growth, as well as to showcase impact investment theories put to good use in practice. Ultimately, the annual tiia international forum is the world’s window on how tiia solidifies progress and development of impact investment in Taiwan in living up to the lofty vision ‘Private Capital, Public Good’while creating value for the SDGs.

Forum Series

The Forum Series is a bi-monthly tiia feature that explores relevant topics, eg. the eradication of hunger and poverty, gender equality, digital equal rights, energy efficiency, circular economies, etc.) Topics can be taken from different disciplines and categories to address asset (companies publicly listed or private), ecosystem, financial innovations, and/or the development and use of management assessment tools.


tiia welcomes the opportunity to cooperate with outside partners in organizing and curating audience-facing engagement to enhance positive public awareness of impact investment.

Knowledge Platform

Campus Tours

Impact investment has amassed an enormous wealth of trade-specific knowledge internationally in the past decade. It covers methodologies, analysis, tools, opportunities and risks, and cutting-edge innovations. It is an imperative for tiia to prioritize the introduction of such vital information, if we are serious about finding a firm footing for impact investment in Taiwan.


The tiia Reading Club and Knowledge Platform serves to introduce and agitate impact investment-themed literature and information to share, disseminate, and to impact by implementing the following.

Campus Tours

tiia plans on cooperating with universities, business communities, government agencies and financial institutions to conduct a sizeable lecture series and other crowd-facing activities themed on ‘Impact Investment for SDGs’and similar topics towards cultivating enthusiasm among the students and entice them to learn about tools and applications of the subject matter. Campus tours and other tactics such as competitions and courses will all be part and parcel of tiia’s ambitions as a trend-setting front-runner in launching certification programs in Taiwan for impact investment.


Research Projects

To author, translate, and publish titles on impact investment. In contrast to random individual articles publicised by the media, books on the subject matter can afford the depth required for systematic discourses. They can also become required reading as part of college syllabuses , besides being instrumental in serving as key references for general investors, investment professionals, as well as government agencies. They are practically building blocks for future development of impact investment.


tiia publications serve to

  1. Accumulate and disseminate trade-specific knowledge.
  2. Facilitate recognition and approval of impact investment.

Research Projects

tiia plans on securing institutional cooperations at home and abroad to research and develop domain intelligence and expertise for holistic future development of impact investment in Taiwan. Thus accordingly the scope will cover the ecosystem, organization structure, policies and governing laws, tools and applications, financial innovations, norms and standardization, etc., that are primarily more practical than theoretical. By way of such desired cooperations we hope to keep Taiwan internationally connected at all times in the space of impact investment. We further hope that solid studies on the subject matter will furbish Taiwan with a strong foundation to go for the potentials afforded by impact investment.